Welcome to Abrasec AB (named DryTrade Nordic AB before Feb 2022), we offer technical sales of desiccators, humidity indicators, pressure valves and more products.

Abrasec article numbers start with 3 letters to indicate type of article, example: ADP = Adaptors. Then follows 3 digits and one letter as checksum. One key error alone won’t write another article number. Note also that letters I and O and the digits 1 and 0 have been avoided, to minimize reading errors. The article number is 7 characters long for an article in standard package, the article numbers for other packages are 8 characters long and ends with an “A”, “B” or “C” etc.
- AGD – Aluminum Gel Desiccants
- BCB – Bentonite Clay Bags
- BRE – Breathers (immersion)
- BRM – Breathers Mini (immersion)
- CDP – Container Desiccant Products
- DDP – Document Desiccant Ports
- DES – Desiccators
- EGR – Orange Gel Refills
- ETC – Etcetera
- HUC – Humidity Indicator Cards
- HUP – Humidity Indicator Plugs
- HUV – Humidity Indicator Valves
- HUW – Humidity Indicator Windows
- MAP – Moisture Adsorbing Polymers
- MBB – Moisture Barrier Bags
- MSB – Mol Sieve Bags
- MSD – Mol Sieve Desiccants
- RHD – Records Holders
- SAV – Shock And Vibration indicator
- SGB – Silica Gel Bags
- SGD – Silica Gel Desiccants
- TEM – Temperature Indicators
- TXS – Toxisorb
- VAH – Valves High Flow
- VAM – Valves Manual Relief
- VSW – Valves Single Way
- VTW – Valves Two Way
- WGU – Waterguns